Excel Curriculum
Microsoft Excel is used by over 750 million people worldwide. It is the industry standard for spreadsheet programs around the world. First released in 1985, its primary function is to organize data into columns and rows to facilitate calculations.
My Software Tutor offers a three-level suite of Zoom-based, live instructor courses for Excel scheduled on various days and times. A single level is typically completed within the same week. If you’re not sure which course to take, check out our handy “Which Excel Course Should I Take?” resource.
Excel Fundamentals
Course length: One x :90 session
Excel Fundamentals for Newbies presumes no prior experience with the software. We introduce core functionality so learners establish a solid foundation for future courses.
- New workbooks
- Cells & sheets
- How Excel thinks: Part I
- Entering data (numbers and text)
- Cut, copy & paste
- Alignment
- Bold, italics, underline, font color & fill.
- Wrapping text
- Tabs: new, rename, copy, move, tab color
- The Ribbon, formula bar, toolbar, name box
- Cursors including select, drag, autofill, re-size & arrow
Excel Basics
Course length: Two x 2:00 sessions usually one day apart (Mon-Wed, Tues-Thurs, etc).
Excel Basics provides learners with a practical, functional understanding of the Excel software. We start with basic data formats and work towards a collection of useful formulas.
- Working With Data
- How Excel Thinks: Part II
- Entering dates, days, years, etc
- Formatting data: general, number, currency, accounting, etc
- Format painter
- Conditional formatting
- Useful shortcuts
- The Ribbon: a deeper dive
- Configuring Excel
- Customizing for your own use
- Modifying the Ribbon & Quick Access toolbar
- Formulas: Part I
- How Excel Thinks: Part III
- Basic Math: + − × ÷
- Solving real life problems in Excel
- Formula vs function
Excel Intermediate
Course length: Two x 2:00 sessions usually one day apart (Mon-Wed, Tues-Thurs, etc).
Excel Intermediate picks up where Excel Basics left off. It provides a more robust understanding of the software. Students will leave the course having gained effective functionality for everyday use.
- Formulas: Part II
- Review Part I functions
- Absolute vs. relative references
- Autofit, freeze panes, split panes
- Working with Tables
- Preparing data
- Using templates
- Sorting & adding data
- The design tab
- Goal seek: What if analysis
- Creating Charts
- Types of charts
- Preparing data
- Using templates
- Modifying charts
- Main & sub-category format
- Printing Excel: settings, headers/footers, margins, etc.
- Pivot Tables
- What & Why pivot tables?
- Building a pivot table
- Modifying the data
- Report filters & slicers
- Creating pivot charts
“Integrating technology with face-to-face teacher time generally produces better academic outcomes than employing either technique alone.“
— Edutopia